The South East Autism Support Programme
Referrals to the Touch Base Project and All Together Autistic are closed as of 31st December 2024.
We hope to be able to re-open referrals in the future.
We will process any referrals received before this date and will continue to offer our usual services and groups during this time for existing members.
Run by Advocacy for All, the SEAS Programme provides a continuum of support for autistic adults living in Kent and Medway, in both groups and 1-to-1.
We provide a range of support to cover a variety of interests and needs.
We are a person-centred service, offering a tailored approach to suit each member of our projects.
All of our members are independent autistic adults (e.g. those who were historically diagnosed with Asperger’s or high-functioning autism).
Our work employs the principles of self-advocacy – supporting you to have your own voice be heard.
We do not offer advice or tell you what to do. Instead, we offer information about your rights, your responsibilities, and your options for further support. We are a safe, confidential, and independent space to talk about what is going on in your life and to find ways to make positive change.
For more information about the Touch Base Project, our 1-to-1 crisis alternatives service for those with a diagnosis of, or awaiting assessment, for autism/Asperger’s, please click here.
For more information about our All Together Autistic peer support groups, please click here.
“Before I joined the groups I was extremely isolated, it has been an absolute lifeline for me. It feels like my world has really opened up.”
“As soon as I walked in I felt comfortable. Being part of this small community has helped me be confident in who I am.”
– Comments from SEAS members
Please note that we do not currently provide direct representational advocacy, such as Community Advocacy, in Kent & Medway.
Unfortunately, we cannot support those with additional care and support needs.
Please download our referral form here.
If you have any questions about the SEAS Programme, please email us at