General Advocacy

We provide a number of non-statutory general advocacy services in Bexley and Croydon.

Each service is bespoke to the area in which we deliver it.

General advocacy covers a wide range of client groups and issues, where statutory types of advocacy do not apply. We work with people who have learning disabilities, learning difficulties, mental health issues, autism or Asperger’s, or some other kind of substantial difficulty.

Advocacy, depending on the area you live, may cover some of the following issues that people face, such as:






Some of our contracts cover this work, and sometimes general advocacy is spot purchased in addition to the contracts we hold.

Currently, we deliver the following non-statutory general advocacy as follows:


Advocacy for all also provides the Bexley Community Project for people who are 18+ with an Autism or Learning disability diagnosis, helping you making decision around your life choosing and getting the right support by communicating your decisions.

Helping you to speak up and having your voice heard.


In Croydon, Advocacy For All provide Community Learning Disability advocacy (does not cover financial assessments, court work or parenting and is only available to Croydon residents)

Spot Purchase

If the advocacy service you require is not mentioned above, please see our Spot Purchase options here.

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