Child Protection LAC

ChildProtection / Looked after Children / Care Leavers Advocacy


Child Protection /Looked After Child aged 4 –17

Care Leaver aged 14 –25

Responsibility of Bromley local authority

Who can refer

Child Protection–Bromley child protection department or social worker

Looked After Child/Care Leaver–Social worker, self, family/ friends

Advocacy for All (Advocacy for Bromley) helps enable Children and Young People to express their views and opinions to people that make decisions about them, to enable them to be fully involvedin decisions about their lives, either by empowering the young person/childtovoice their views or advocates will speak on their behalf.

Advocates are independent;who support looked after children, care leavers and children on a child protection plan.

This is to ensure that their views are expressed and listened to in a variety of contexts including but not limited to:


Being in care;

Care Proceedings;

Child in Need Reviews;


Contact arrangements;



Initial Child Protection Conferences;

Looked After Child (LAC) Reviews ;Placement;

Public Law Outline meetings (pre-proceedings);

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