Where We Work

where we work map

Advocacy for All is always here to help. You can currently find our services in the following areas as well as online.

This service is provided together with our colleagues MIND in Bexley.

AfA are the sole provider and have worked here over many years.

This service is provided together with our colleagues MIND in Croydon.

Our South East Autism Support (SEAS) Programme provides a continuum of support for autistic adults living in Kent and Medway, in both groups and 1-to-1.

This service is part of the Together For Sutton consortium.

This service is part of the Together For Sutton consortium.

Spot Purchases

In addition to the above services we also offer a paid service to whomever needs our advocacy skills in areas outside of the boroughs we currently  work in.

Find out more about our Spot Purchases by clicking the button below:

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